Album: The Lettuce Tree
Artist: White Guys Jumping (RIP)
Year: 2007
Rating: 11/10
This album has it all, soaring highs, somber lows and everything in between. Songs about an umbrella saving everyone from certain death, to songs about wet dreams, this album is not one you can listen to expecting anything, you just have to enjoy the ride.
The instrumentation is astounding; Guitars, piano, singing saw, drums, and probably others I've failed to mention, all played by one Cameron Clarke. That's right, White Guys Jumping was just one guy.
To truely be able to understand how significant this album is, you have to look at the album prior to Lettuce Tree. The Meaning of Life, which came out the year before contains mostly loud noises shouted into a mic and cheesy synths, with the occasional strumming of a guitar (Although I can be found humming along to the first track "In The Trunk" from time to time). A year later the Lettuce Tree came out. Now I had heard The Lettuce Tree before hearing The Meaning of Life, but upon hearing it, it made me reconsider an album I already considered to be 10/10 and brought it up to an 11/10. This album is a masterpiece and I mean that with every inch of my being.
Cameron still makes music under the name "Cameron Clarke". Go figure.
You can stream or download the Lettuce Tree, here: http://cllct.com/release/thelettucetree
and if you're interested enough, you can check out The Meaning of Life, here: http://cllct.com/release/themeaningoflife
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